Monday, September 8, 2008

The Power of Meditation

Meditation is the foundation in which all ritualistic and magical work is laid and it is no wonder that it is one of the Eight Ways of Magic. Meditation sets the mind at ease and rids the mind of all negativity. This is an important factor to consider if someone is about to enter the Circle or conducting magic, because if the mind isn’t at ease, the mind will begin to wonder and the ritual or magic performed will not have the same outcome as someone whom has cleared their mind beforehand.

In Traditional British Witchcraft, there are two forms of meditation that are taught to the neophytes and initiates. Of the two, the first must be achieved before advancing to the second and these two forms are contemplation and visualization. Contemplation is used to truly understand what is happening in the mind and to rid the mind of all negativity through breathing techniques. The breath is a good indicator of what is going on in the mind and body of an individual. When someone is frightened or stressed the breath become rapid and when calm the breath becomes slow. Visualization is the act of concentrating the mind on a fixed object or object of the imagination in order to establish a link to a particular person or object. In a Coven this is important because the members of the Coven should be “of one mind” in the Rites performed and with their will and imagination see that their efforts have been achieved towards the Great Work.

The benefits of meditation are tremendous. Meditation lowers the consumption of oxygen and decreases the respiratory rate, it increases blood flow and slows the heart rate, reduces anxiety and leads to a deeper level of relaxation, decreases muscle tension and headaches, it increases serotonin, which influences mood and behavior, and elevates depression, obesity, and insomnia. It also helps in chronic diseases such as allergies and arthritis and enhances the immune system, which increases the healing process, and also reduces blood pressure. Meditation also eliminates fears and phobias. The benefits of women included the reduction of Pre-menstrual syndrome.

It is important that all neophytes and initiates do not confuse meditation with prayer. Meditation is the act of reflection and contemplation and prayer is the act of petition. It is important that all neophytes and initiates are consistent in their daily practice of meditation. Through consistent practice only will a neophyte and an initiate become to understand the full potential of the power of the mind and how to use that power to better our lives and those around us.

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