Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Worship and Devotion

Worship and devotion is a vital part to Traditional British Witchcraft, commonly referred to as Traditional British Wica. The term worship is derived from the Old English term “wordscip” or “wurdscip” meaning to render honor (homage) and reverence to a deity or god(s) and the term devotion is derived from the Latin term “devotio” and refers to the act of consecration by a vow. Worship is the act of adoration (fervent and devoted love) in a formal and ceremonial structure determined by Tradition and devotion is the act of profound dedication, consecration, and earnest attachment to a cause or person(s), hence the Gods. Therefore, worship is a communal adoration to render honor and reverence to the Gods and devotion is a personal act of dedication and earnest attachment that a devotee has towards the Gods

In the olden days, there was no questioning of the devotion and worship to the Gods. Every moment or situation was seen as sacred and important decisions were not conducted until an offering or offerings (a form of devotion) were brought to the temple for the approval of the Gods. This act of consecration was not only viewed as sacred by the commoners, but was deemed vital by royalty to insure prosperity and balance to their kingdoms or empires.

Many Witches today have lost sight of true worship and devotion to the Gods. The only act of devotion that is given thought is to the worship of the Gods at the Esbats and Sabbats. Even then some Witches come to the conclusion that worship and devotion is not important and tend to give excuses of why they do not worship or devote their lives to the Gods. Excuses are “exaggerated lies” and there is no reason why a Witch should note worship or devote their lives to the will of the Gods. When you look at the situation, it is obvious that a Witch does not want to worship or devote themselves to the will of the Gods and many times laziness is one of the leading factors. Worship is important because it establishes the communal link between the brothers and sisters and to the collective will of the Coven to the Gods. As Witches we should be able to conquer any situation that is put before us and especially if that situation is blocking the path which leads to the Gods, the personal growth of our individuality, and companionship with brothers and sisters of the Art.

Devotion is also as important as worship, because devotion links every individual Witch to the union between themselves and the Gods. This union is vital to truly understand the will of the Gods and their personal relationship to that will. There are many forms of devotion and in Traditional British Witchcraft this includes the offering of flowers and the harvest, the upkeep of the altar and the perpetual or eternal flame that resides upon it. There are two reasons for the perpetual or eternal flame. It symbolizes life eternal and the union between the brothers and sisters of the Art and the Gods. As one of the focal point of worship and devotion the altar should be clear of clutter and dust; it should be organized, and should be a place that we can return to time and time again to communion with the Gods.

In Traditional British Witchcraft, daily meditation and devotion is essential because it establishes the link between the initiate and the Gods. In Traditional British Witchcraft, devotion also includes the recitation of the divine Names of the Gods using the Witch’s Ladder. In the morning, normally at sunrise, devotion is of dedication and earnest attachment to God and in the evening, normally at sunset, devotion is of dedication and earnest attachment to the Goddess. This act of devotion is of dedicating the Witch’s life to will of the Gods.

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