Saturday, February 21, 2009

Oak Grove

Oak Grove is a Pre-Initiatory Religious Working Group of Oak Forest Coven where participants are introduced to the Beliefs, Practices, and Customs of Traditional British Witchcraft (TBW). Participants of Oak Grove are not Initiates of Traditional British Witchcraft or Oak Forest Coven, but are referred to as Neophytes of Traditional British Witchcraft and Oak Forest Coven.

As a participant of Oak Grove, you will be required to commit yourself to prompt and regular attendance, to respect the confidentiality of other participants and the teachers of Oak Grove, to refrain from discussions of the workings of Oak Grove, and to refrain from referring to yourself as a Initiate of Traditional British Witchcraft or Oak Forest Coven. Upon completion of participation in Oak Grove, participants will have the opportunity to join Oak Forest Coven for Initiation. Not all participants of Oak Grove will be considered for Initiation into Oak Forest Coven or Traditional British Witchcraft. This decision is based on your dedication to Oak Grove and considerations for Initiation is determined by the High Priestess and the Elders of Oak Forest Coven.

In keeping with the Old Laws of Traditional British Witchcraft, participants are not charged monetary payments for participation in Oak Grove. The only payment that is required by participants of Oak Grove is their time and energy.

Although there is no set time limit for completion within Oak Grove; participants are required to spend at least a minimum of a year-and-a-day before being considered for Initiation within Oak Forest Coven and Traditional British Witchcraft.

If you are interested in becoming a participant of Oak Grove, please email Oak Forest Coven at or Vertius at for acceptance and approval.

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